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Additional Supports:

Nest Counselling and Consultation is not a crisis or after-hours counselling service. If you find yourself in need of additional support, please contact one of the services below:

Kids Helpline– For children and young people aged 5 to 25. Available 24/7. Ph: 1800 55 1800

Lifeline– Personal crisis hotline. 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services. Ph: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue– 24/7 support helping Australians achieve their best possible mental health. Ph: 1300 224 636

Relationships Australia– Support for individuals and families trying to achieve positive relationship outcomes or amicable separation.          Ph: 1300 364 277

1800RESPECT– Supporting people impacted by sexual assault, domestic and family violence and abuse. Ph: 1800 737 732

Mindspot– A free service helping people through stress, anxiety, worry and low mood. Ph: 1800 61 44 34